New Ireland
Wood, opercula shells, kaolin, parinarium nut paste, pigments
H. 168 cm

Collected by Franz Boluminski, 1900
Linden Museum, Stuttgart, 1908
Arthur Speyer, Berlin
Ralph Nash, London
Anne and Jacques Kerchache, Paris

BEYELER FOUNDATION, Visual Encounters, Africa, Oceania and Modern Art, Basel, 2009

A. KRÄMER, Die Malánggane Von Tombára, Munich, 1925
H. FISCHER, L’Art dans les Iles de la Mer du Sud, in Cahiers d’Art, Paris, 1929
P.C. GIFFORD, The Iconology of the Uli Figure of Central New Ireland, Columbia University, 1974
C. VALLUET, Uli, la grande cérémonie, Primitifs – Arts Tribals et Arts modernes Nº6, Paris, 1991
BEYELER FOUNDATION, Visual Encounters, Africa, Oceania and Modern Art, Basel, 2009


New Ireland
Wood, opercula shells, kaolin, parinarium nut paste, pigments
H. 168 cm

Collected by Franz Boluminski, 1900
Linden Museum, Stuttgart, 1908
Arthur Speyer, Berlin
Ralph Nash, London
Anne and Jacques Kerchache, Paris

BEYELER FOUNDATION, Visual Encounters, Africa, Oceania and Modern Art, Basel, 2009

A KRÄMER, Die Malanggane Von Tombára, Munich, 1925
H. FISCHER, L’Art dans les Iles de la Mer du Sud, in Cahiers d’Art. Paris, 1929.
P.C. GIFFORD, The Iconology of the Uli Figure of Central New Ireland, Columbia University, 1974
C. VALLUET, Uli, la grande cérémonie, Primitifs – Arts Tribals et Arts modernes Nº6, Paris, 1991
BEYELER FOUNDATION, Visual Encounters, Africa, Oceania and Modern Art, Basel, 2009