Acerca de ArteyRitual2017@

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Hasta ahora ArteyRitual2017@ ha creado 12 entradas de blog.


ADAM: Analog- Digital- Ancient- Masters: The  Casanovas selected 179 artworks of exceptional artistic quality, the creations of anonymous artists from the past, men of great talent who, in close connection to their spiritual beliefs, were capable of achieving mastery in their sculptural execution. And, as Picasso once said, “They have not yet been surpassed”. A commemoration of a 30 year journey in the



TRACES Primitive and modern art, a collaboration with Jan Krugier and his daughter Tzila in his Gallery in New York. The works of Picasso, Miro, Ernst,Tanguy ,Torres Garcia, Dubuffet, were exhibited in dialogue with top quality pieces from America, Africa and the Pacific.  

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